
International Organization for Chemical Sciences in Development

About Us

Vision and Mission

We envision a world in which the chemical sciences play their optimal role in improving the quality of life and wellbeing for people everywhere and ensuring a sustainable future for the planet.

Inspired by a deeply-felt ethical concern for the disparities among and between people in different countries, IOCD's mission is to promote the pursuit and application of the chemical sciences for sustainable, equitable human development and economic growth, through:

  1. Repositioning chemistry as a science for the benefit of society;
  2. Promoting the role of the chemical sciences in sustainable development

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The Chemical Sciences

The chemical sciences provide understanding of the physical and chemical properties of atoms and molecules and practical methods for creating new molecular structures with useful applications. Chemistry is a ‘platform science’, contributing to fundamental aspects of a range of other sciences and underpinning the dramatic advances seen in recent decades in such fields as biotechnology, energy, the environment, genetics, materials and medicine.
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Two prominent chemists played key roles in establishing IOCD.
One was the Nobel Laureate Glen T. Seaborg (19 April 1912 - 25 February 1999), one of the greatest scientists of the 20th century. Seaborg was responsible for the identification and production of plutonium and discovery of nine additional elements, as well as for a major revision of the Periodic Table through his development of the actinide concept.
The foundation of IOCD was the direct result of efforts over many years by the chemist Pierre Crabbé (29 December 1928 - 6 August 1987), well known for numerous chemistry contributions relating to steroids and prostaglandins and applications of optical rotatory dispersion and circular dichroism in organic chemistry.
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IOCD's Achievements and Impact

IOCD began by recognising why it has been so difficult to pursue chemistry and related sciences in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) in the past. By the 1980s, many chemists from LMICs had been, or were being, trained in research in universities in high-income countries, but found it difficult to engage in productive and rewarding careers in research in the growing number of university chemistry departments in their home countries. Common problems included lack of access to funds, laboratory supplies and equipment and difficulty in staying abreast of the latest advances in their fields. IOCD's initial response was a twin track approach of active research support and capacity building, achieved through the operation of its scientific working groups (WGs) and analytical service centres.
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Governance and Administration

IOCD is registered as an international NGO in Namur, Belgium and complies with Belgian law regarding its constitution, formal functions and annual reporting on its activities and financing. The management of IOCD is performed by its Administration Council composed of an elected President, an Executive Director, three Vice-Presidents, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The Administration Council delegates technical tasks to its Bureau consisting of the Executive Director, the Secretary, and the Treasurer. The decision-making body is the General Assembly composed of the Administration Council plus a few more elected members. The General Assembly meets at least twice every year, usually in June and in December. A few observers, elected by the General Assembly, may attend the meetings without voting rights.
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Leaders Present and Past

Find out some personal profiles.

Call for Volunteers

IOCD has always welcomed volunteer efforts, as it still does.
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Organisation Internationale des Sciences Chimiques pour le Développement
61 Rue de Bruxelles
B 5000 Namur, Belgium

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