
International Organization for Chemical Sciences in Development

What We Do

IOCD's Objectives

We envision a world in which the chemical sciences play their optimal role in improving the quality of life and wellbeing for people everywhere and ensuring a sustainable future for the planet.

IOCD builds on over four decades of achievement in promoting the chemical sciences for sustainable, equitable human development and economic growth. We seek to help build capacity in the chemical sciences; and to collaborate with other organizations to advance sustainable development globally through strengthening education, research and practice in the chemical sciences.

IOCD's objectives are to champion the achievement of the multiple potentials of chemistry to serve as a creative fundamental science; as a central science contributing to developments in adjacent sciences; as a source of highly valuable applications; and as a science that can contribute to solving major global challenges including sustainability.

IOCD's Strategy 2023-2025

The focus of IOCD's work in the period is on promoting the chemical sciences for development and especially for global sustainability

IOCD fosters and highlights the contributions that the chemical sciences can make, in education, research and practice, to sustainable, equitable human development and to tackling emerging global challenges, including those contained in the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

IOCD Cross-Cutting Issues

Across all IOCD's areas of work, IOCD undertakes the promotion of:

Current Activities

IOCD's work on its strategic priorities is taken forward by international teams of scientists who have volunteered to collaborate and are organised into Action Groups, Working Groups (WGs) and Projects. The links below describe current activities and also summarise the past work of former WGs and Projects.

Former Working Groups and Projects

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From the mid-1980s, IOCD established a series of Working Groups and Projects led by distinguished scientists and involving collaborations across the world. The links below provide the interested reader with an overview of the history of these activities and summarise their many achievements.

Partnerships and Collaborations

To strengthen its reach and its capacities to deliver on its objectives, IOCD engages in strategic collaborations and partnerships with other organizations. Current examples are described in the links listed here below.


IOCD presents occasional perspective/comment/opinion articles on topics of current interest related to the chemical sciences, sustainable development and the broader connections between science and society.
Find out more ...

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IOCD and its scientists have published a range of papers, reports and brochures over the years, highlighting the work of the organization and the field of the chemical sciences and its role in development. Many of them can be directly accessed or downloaded through the links provided in a list of references that is regularly updated.


Organisation Internationale des Sciences Chimiques pour le Développement
61 Rue de Bruxelles
B 5000 Namur, Belgium

IOCD is on LinkedIn

Some images of this website were freely downloaded from pexels.com, the others are from IOCD collections except when otherwise stated

Website hosting graciously donated by Hurricane Electric

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© IOCD 2023-2025