
International Organization for Chemical Sciences in Development

Legal Notice

IOCD identification

The International Organization for Chemical Sciences in Development (IOCD) was launched at a meeting hosted at UNESCO's headquarters in Paris (30 June – 2 July 1981). On 29 March 1983, IOCD became an international, non-profit association under Belgian Law.
The legal representative of IOCD is its Executive Director identified here.


Legal name: Organisation Internationale des Sciences Chimiques pour le Développement
Registered office: 61 Rue de Bruxelles, B-5000 Namur, Belgium
Enterprise ID number: 0423.954.435
VAT number: BE 0423.954.435

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If you respond to an invitation from IOCD to provide personal data (e.g., such as in a call for IOCD volunteers or to engage in the Essay competition organized by IOCD), the personal information required is explicitely listed in the form you have to fill in. This information is treated according to IOCD's ‘Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions’. You may ask a copy of this policy by contacting IOCD's Data Protection Officer, Philippe Lambin <philippe.lambin'at'mail.be>).

The IOCD website contains links to other websites. If you click on these links, your data and privacy protection cease to be governed by IOCD's policy.


Organisation Internationale des Sciences Chimiques pour le Développement
61 Rue de Bruxelles
B 5000 Namur, Belgium

IOCD is on LinkedIn

Some images of this website were freely downloaded from pexels.com, the others are from IOCD collections except when otherwise stated

Website hosting graciously donated by Hurricane Electric

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© IOCD 2023-2025