
International Organization for Chemical Sciences in Development

About us


IOCD partly funds its operating expenses and some of its initiatives from a small endowment built up over the years by the dedicated and astute management of IOCD's finances by Elkan Blout, who served as Vice President and Treasurer of the organization from its founding until 2006.

IOCD solicits funding from other organizations to fund most of its initiatives. We gratefully acknowledge past support from the following sources:

IOCD welcomes donations from public and private sources throughout the world to enable it to continue its important work. To find out more about contributing to IOCD, visit the Supporting IOCD page.


Organisation Internationale des Sciences Chimiques pour le Développement
61 Rue de Bruxelles
B 5000 Namur, Belgium

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Some images of this website were freely downloaded from pexels.com, the others are from IOCD collections except when otherwise stated

Website hosting graciously donated by Hurricane Electric

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© IOCD 2023-2025