
International Organization for Chemical Sciences in Development


News and Views

The distinguished scientific accomplishments of two officers of IOCD's Board recognized by IUPAC. Prof. Vivian Yam, President of IOCD, and Prof. J. Catherine Ngila, IOCD Vice-President for Emerging Economies, have received the IUPAC 2025 Award for Distinguished Women in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering together with ten other nominees from around the world. The announcement was made on 11 February 2025, in celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. The award recognizes the excellence of outstanding research works along with remarkable leadership achievements in chemical sciences of the laureates.

IOCD has a new Secretary: On 1 January 2025, Dr. Seamus Delaney (Deakin University, Australia) joined the IOCD board as Secretary. He succeeds Stephen Matlin who has held this position since June 16, 2016.

2024 Essay competition results announced: The results of the 2024 essay competition were announced on 27 November 2024. The theme was ”How can the chemical sciences contribute to ‘decarbonizing’ the energy sector and to eliminating the generation or release of greenhouse gasses from large-scale manufacturing and agricultural processes?“. Seven Regional Winners were chosen. Each receives a US$ 500 prize and a winner’s certificate and their winning essays have been published in the December 2024 issue of the journal RSC Sustainability. In addition, 17 other essays were selected as Finalists in the last round of the competition.

For more details about the results of the 2024 IOCD Essay Competition Regional Winners and other Finalists, see here.

A research project for development that had support from IOCD ended on 31 August 2024. This project, funded by the Higher Education and Research Academy of Belgium, explored scientific questions related to the artisanal mining of coltan —a so-called "bloody mineral"— in the South Kivu province, Democratic Republic of Congo. Philippe Lambin, treasurer of IOCD, was the project coordinator.

Some details are available here.

Federico Rosei, IOCD’s Executive Director, has been elected foreign member of the Class of Natural Sciences of the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts. His membership will start on January 1, 2024.

2023 Essay competition results announced: The results of the 2023 essay competition organized by IOCD in collaboration with the UK’s Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) were announced on 5 October 2023. The theme was ‘How can the chemical sciences lead the stewardship of the Earth’s element resources?’. Six Regional Winners were chosen. Each receives a US$ 500 prize and a winner’s certificate and their winning essays have been published in October 2023 in the journal RSC Sustainability. In addition, 15 other essays were selected as Finalists in the last round of the 2023 competition.

For more details about the results of the 2023 IOCD Essay Competition Regional Winners and other Finalists, see here.

IOCD’s Chemists for Sustainability (C4S) group has just published a Perspective in RSC Sustainability on Chemistry and pathways to net zero for sustainability.

You can read the Perspective online and download it from here.

Federico Rosei, IOCD’s Executive Director, is one of the outstanding individuals across all fields who have been awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship in 2023. Professor Rosei is scientific head of the Nanofemtosecond Laboratory at the Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique in Quebec, Canada, where he holds the UNESCO Chair in Materials and Technologies for Energy Conversion, Saving and Storage and the Canada Research Chair in Nanostructured Materials.

Alain Krief, IOCD’s former Executive Director (2009-2020), was honoured with a Special Issue of the journal Synthesis to mark his 80th birthday. Members of IOCD’s group Chemists for Sustainability published an appreciation of Professor Krief’s contributions to chemistry and to IOCD in the Special Issue.

You can access the Special Issue from here.

Three new Vice-Presidents: IOCD is delighted to announce the election of three people to serve as Vice-Presidents for terms of 5 years from 1 January 2023:

To read the Press Note, click here.


Organisation Internationale des Sciences Chimiques pour le Développement
61 Rue de Bruxelles
B 5000 Namur, Belgium

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