International Organization for Chemical Sciences in Development
The web resources listed in this page have been selected according to their relevance to IOCD's mission. By curating this page, the only intention of the authors is to highlight and refer to a few major sites related to different aspects of IOCD's work such as described elsewhere in the present website.
The SaTICE website is an outcome of the IUPAC STCS 2030+ project (Systems Thinking in Chemistry for Sustainability: 2030 and Beyond). It provides resources and tools on systems thinking and sustainability in the domain of chemistry and chemistry education. In addition to definitions of systems thinking terms and concepts, the interested reader will find there links to SaTICE related initiatives and a selection of relevant publications.
Chemical sciences contribute to the United Nations sustainable development goals (SDGs) by helping to preserve the environment, reduce waste, and improve the efficiency of production processes. The chemistry field is both, a non-normative science, and a normative economical sector and as such the field is indispensable for achieving the targets set within the 17 UN SDGs. Many products of chemical and allied industries contribute to high living standards and increasing life expectancy. As demonstrated in its website, ICS3 is working towards establishing a sustainable world.
Through its Green Chemistry Institute, the American Chemical Society maintains a website on green chemistry and sustainability. The interested reader can find out there how scientists use chemistry to create more sustainable processes and products, along with useful information on researcher networks, upcoming events, conferences, etc.
In particular, the ACS GCI has partnered with chemistry instructors from over 45 institutions to develop green and sustainable chemistry education resources for undergraduate students studying general and organic chemistry. These resources address standard curricular topics through a systems thinking lens while integrating relevant green and sustainable chemistry concepts. In addition, the UN Sustainable Development Goals are referenced as appropriate to provide context and global relevance for students. Read more by clicking here.
As written in its website, the GCTLC is the place for everyone in the green chemistry community to learn, share, connect and grow. A teaching and learning community that empowers responsible global citizens with green chemistry knowledge, skills, and tools to transform science education, address grand challenges, and ensure a sustainable future for all.
The concepts of green and sustainable chemistry have gained significant attention around the world given their potential to innovate and advance chemistry to help achieve global sustainable development goals. To enhance the understanding of these concepts, the United Nation Environment Program consulted with a group of over 100 expert stakeholders to develop 10 Objectives and Guiding Considerations for Green and Sustainable Chemistry and the Framework Manual.
The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) is deeply committed to taking action to preserve the environment, combat climate change and mitigate its actions in the developing world. TWAS aims to support higher education in climate studies in the least developed countries and strengthen interdisciplinary training in these countries. A list of news, actions, calls for awards, grants and fellowship&hellips; is available on a website maintained by TWAS.
Embracing gender, equity, diversity and inclusion (GEDI) in chemical sciences is crucial to promote human dignity for those engaging in chemical and other sciences with a background that needs to be accepted, accommodated, and consciously included. The chemical sciences are well placed to play a catalytic and championing role to help move the agenda forward. Actions to promote GEDI in sciences are described in the websites of the Royal Society of Chemistry and UNESCO, among other organizations.
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