
International Organization for Chemical Sciences in Development

One-World Chemistry

OWC – Introduction

What is ‘One-World’ Chemistry?

The concept of ‘one-world’ chemistry (OWC) has been developed by a group of scientists associated with IOCD. OWC promotes an integrated systems approach to meet global challenges. It offers an answer to the questions:

Here we explore the concept of OWC and its implications for how the chemical sciences need to be re-imagined, taught and practiced.

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© One-World Chemistry

The scope of ‘One-World’ Chemistry


OWC considers that the chemical sciences are centrally positioned to take an integrated view of the relationships between human and animal health and the biological and physical environments – and that the chemical sciences must now act differently to realise the potential created by this central positioning.


Organisation Internationale des Sciences Chimiques pour le Développement
61 Rue de Bruxelles
B 5000 Namur, Belgium

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